FAQ /よくある質問

入場券・入退場 / Admission ticket

Q.前売入場券は何処で販売していますか? / Where can I buy tickets?

Tickets are available at various play guides.Please check the Ticket Information page.
Q.前売券を購入済みですが入場は先着ですか? / Is admission based on a first-come, first-served basis?

Entrance will be on a first-come, first-served basis. If you arrive before the doors open, please wait in line at the designated waiting area.
*All tickets grant the same admission conditions.
Q.団体割引はありますか? / Is there any group ticket discount?

No group discounts are available. Please refer to the Ticket Information page for details on admission tickets.
Q.18歳以下なら大学生(専門学校生、社会人)でも無料ですか? / Is it free for all persons 18 and under?
A.イベント当日18歳以下の方は学生、大学生、社会人問わず、無料でご入場頂けます。 当日、正面入口に設置されるチケットカウンターにて、年齢のわかる学生証及び身分証明書をご呈示頂ければ入場券をお渡し致します。

Admission is free for all individuals aged 18 and under. To obtain an admission ticket, please present a valid ID card proving your age to the staff at the ticket counter, located at the main entrance.
Q.ハンディキャッパー割引のチケットは何処で買えますか? / Where can I buy disability discount tickets?
A.ハンディキャッパー割引の事前予約は不要です。 当日、正面入口に設置されるチケットカウンターにて、障害者手帳をご呈示頂ければ入場券をご購入頂けます。(*前売券の販売はございません)

To purchase a discounted ticket for individuals with disabilities, please present a valid disability certificate to the staff at the ticket counter, located at the main entrance. *Please note that disability discount tickets are only available for purchase at the venue on the day of the event.
Q.シルバー割引(70歳以上)のチケットは事前購入できますか? / Can I purchase discount tickets for age 70 years and older in advance?
A.シルバー割引券は当日のみ発売致します。 会場入口に設置されるチケットカウンターにて、 年歴確認書類をご提示ください。(*前売券の販売はございません)

Senior discount tickets are exclusively available for purchase at the venue on the day of the event. To purchase them, please present a valid ID card confirming your age to the staff at the ticket counter located at the main entrance.
Q.両日参加予定ですがチケット1枚で両日入場出来ますか? / I plan to attend both days. Can I enter both days with a single ticket?

Admission tickets are only valid for the day of the event. If you plan to attend both days, please purchase tickets for each day separately.
Q.ペダルサミットのみに参加したいが入場券は必要ですか? / I want to attend the Pedal Summit only, do I need an admission ticket?

To attend the Pedal Summit, you must possess a Sound Messe ticket.
Q.Myギター(楽器)を持参しても良いですか? / May I bring my own instrument to the venue?


If you plan to bring your own instrument, you must register it at the "Instrument Check Counter" located next to the venue entrance. After registration, a special tag will be affixed to your instrument, which you'll need when exiting the venue. Please ensure not to remove this tag.
Please note that if you do not check the contents of your instrument when you leave the venue, you may not be able to take it home.

*The instruments that will be checked in at the instrument check counter are guitars, basses, ukuleles, etc., and related items such as effectors.
*Please note that there is no space for luggage storage at the venue.                                         
*All instruments purchased at the event will have a special tag attached to them.
*Please be sure to present both your purchase receipt and the tag attached to the instrument.

Q.会場の外に出た後、再入場は出来ますか? / Can I re-enter?

If you present the stub of your ticket on the same day, you will be allowed re-entry.

ライブ・イベント / Live&Event

Q.【Dホール】 ワンコイン・リザーブシートってなに? / What is a "One-Coin Reserve Sheet"?

This service enables you to reserve seats for events held in Hall D. For further details, please refer to the "One-Coin Reserve Seats" page.
Q.【Dホール】 ワンコイン・リザーブシートの販売数は? / How many One-Coin Reserve Seats will be sold?

The one-coin reserve seats will be issued for each event, totaling 120 seats with assigned seat numbers.
Q.【Dホール】 ワンコイン・リザーブシートを買わないと"Dホールイベント"は観れないの? / Is it necessary to always reserve a "One-Coin Reserve Seat" to attend an event in Hall D?

Priority admission will be granted to individuals who reserve seats. Typically, entry without a reserved seat is allowed. However, for popular events, admission may be restricted, and entry could be denied. To ensure admission, we strongly advise reserving a seat for your chosen event.
Q.【Dホール】 ワンコイン・リザーブシートは何処で購入できますか? / Where can I purchase "One-Coin Reserve Sheets"?


You can purchase seats for the event to be held that day at the dedicated One-Coin Reserve Seats counter next to the venue entrance.

*Please note
When purchasing a "One-Coin Reserve Seat", we will require confirmation of your admission ticket for the day of the event. If you do not possess an admission ticket for the event day, we will be unable to sell you the Reserve Seat. Kindly ensure you have your admission ticket ready. It is recommended to purchase tickets in advance as the ticket counter may be crowded on the day of the event.
For further details on the "One-Coin Reserve Seats", please refer to the dedicated information page.
Q.【Dホール】 イベントの入場整列は何時から始まりますか? / What time does the event's entry queue start?

We plan to start guiding attendees approximately 30 minutes before the start time of each event.
Q.【Dホール】 Dホールイベントの入場順は? / What is the entry order for events at D Hall?

At each event at D Hall, priority entry will be given to those holding One-Coin Reserve tickets in numerical order. Customers without this ticket will be guided for entry within the admission restrictions.
Q.【ホワイエステージ】 ホワイエステージイベントの観覧整理券配布は何枚予定ですか? / How many numbered tickets are scheduled to be distributed for the Foyer Stage event?

We plan to distribute 120 numbered tickets for the Foyer Stage event. Please note that you will need to present your entry ticket when receiving the numbered ticket, so please be sure to purchase your ticket in advance. As we anticipate congestion on the day of the event, we recommend purchasing advance tickets.
Q.【ホワイエステージ】 ホワイエステージ観覧エリアの座席数は? / How many seats are available in the foyer stage viewing area?

We plan to have approximately 50 seats available in the viewing area of the Foyer Stage.
Seat assignments are not available. We operate on a complete turnover basis for each stage, so once the previous stage concludes, we kindly ask all attendees to vacate the area. Please refrain from reserving seats with personal belongings (including clothing).
Q.【ホワイエステージ】 ホワイエステージのイベントは観覧整理券がなくても観れますか? / Can I watch the events at the Foyer Stage without a reserved seating ticket?

If the distribution of numbered tickets reaches the limit of 120, customers without tickets will not be allowed to enter the viewing area of the Foyer Stage.
If the distribution of tickets does not reach 120, customers will be guided for entry within the admission restrictions.
Q.【ホワイエステージ】 立ち見用の観覧整理券配布はありますか? / Are there different types of numbered tickets for seating and standing areas?

The numbered tickets do not distinguish between seating and standing areas.
Q.【ホワイエステージ】 ホワイエステージ観覧エリアの入場整列は何時から始まりますか? / What time does the entry queue guidance for the viewing area of the Foyer Stage start?

We plan to start guiding attendees at the Foyer Stage viewing area approximately 30 minutes before the start time of the event.
Q.【ホワイエステージ】 観覧整理券を紛失してしまった場合、再発行はしていただけますか? / If I lose my numbered ticket, can it be reissued?

We do not reissue numbered tickets under any circumstances, so please be careful. Additionally, we do not hold tickets for future pickup.
Q.【ホワイエステージ】 入場チケットがあれば、家族や友人の分も観覧整理券をいただけますか? / Can I receive numbered tickets for familyfriends if I have entry tickets?

Numbered tickets are distributed only one per person. Please make sure your companions also have their own entry tickets. Receiving and using multiple tickets by the same person is strictly prohibited.
Q.【海辺のステージ】100人ウクレレに参加したいが入場券は必要ですか? / Do I need an admission ticket to participate in the ukulele event with 100 people?
A.HOOK Hundred Moments & HOOK LIVE(100人ウクレレ)をはじめ、海辺のステージで開催されるイベントは屋外ステージの為、無料でご覧頂けます。多くのシンガーソングライター、ソロギターなどが出演予定です。詳しくはタイムテーブルをご確認ください。

HOOK Hundred Moments & HOOK LIVE (100 ukuleles) and other events on the beach stage are free admission. Many singer-songwriters, solo guitarists, etc. are scheduled to perform. Please check the timetable for details.
Q.【ブースデモ】ブース内のデモ演奏は整理券等が配布されますか? / Will numbered tickets be distributed for demo performances at the booth?

Generally, numbered tickets will not be distributed for in-booth demonstrations. However, some booths may require numbered tickets for admission. For specific details, please refer to the official information provided by each exhibitor.
Q.【ブースデモ】ブースデモは何処のステージで見れますか? / Where can I see booth demonstrations?

Demonstrations will be held at some exhibitors' booths. Please refer to the Time Table for the schedule and contents of demonstrations.
Demonstrations will be managed by each exhibitor. For details, please refer to the official information of each exhibitor.

展示・試奏 / Exhibited Products

Q.○○○というモデルは展示される?販売していますか? / What models will be on display and for sale at the event?

Please contact each exhibitor directly for information regarding the contents and sales schedule of their exhibited products. Additionally, some of the Exhibited Products can be viewed on the official Sound Messe website. Please also refer to each company's official information for further details.
Q.会場内の楽器は自由に試奏出来ますか? / Can I freely try out the instruments at the venue?

If you wish to try any of the instruments on display, please inquire with the respective booth representatives.
Q.静かなところで試奏がしたい / Is it possible to select a guitar in a quiet place?

A soundproof room is available in the event venue. Please ask the exhibitor if you would like to use the soundproof room.
Q.会場内でギターや、アクセサリ等を購入出来る? / Are guitars and accessories available for purchase at the venue?

Products displayed in the shopping zone are available for purchase. However, products in other exhibit areas cannot be purchased directly. Please contact each exhibitor for details.
*Please check with each exhibitor for available payment methods.
Q.会場内でショッピングクレジットは利用出来る? / Can I use shopping credit?

Shopping loans with special interest rate conditions are available exclusively at the Sound Messe venue.
Shopping credit may not be available for some exhibitors. Please check with each exhibitor in advance for details.
*Applicants must be 18 years of ageolder (high school students are not acceptable), residing in Japan, and able to be contacted by phone.

その他 / Other

Q.【撮影について】出展されるギターなどの撮影は許可が必要でしょうか?また、YouTubeなどにサウンドメッセの様子をアップするのは禁止でしょうか? / Do I need permission to take pictures of the exhibited guitars? Also, is it possible to upload the Sound Messe to YouTube, etc.?

Please check with each exhibitor whether you are allowed to take pictures of the instruments, artists, etc. Uploading to shared websites also requires the same confirmation.
Q.駐車場はありますか? / Is parking available?

There are two paid parking lots at ATC. The "O's (2nd) Parking Lot" is adjacent to the venue. Please refer to the ATC Website for details on parking fees, height restrictions, etc.
Q.車椅子で入場出来ますか? / Is the venue wheelchair accessible?

You may enter the building via the elevator for accessibility. Please ask our staff for assistance when you arrive.
Q.ホール内に飲食スペースはありますか? / Are there eating and drinking areas in the hall?

There are no eating and drinking areas within the venue. Please utilize nearby restaurants for refreshments. Beverages may only be brought into the venue if they are covered.
Q.ホール内に喫煙所はありますか? / Is there a smoking area in the hall?

To prevent passive smoking, there is no smoking area inside the hall. There is a smoking area outside the hall. (*Re-entry is permitted with ticket stubs.)
Q.キャリーケース等に入れた、ペットと一緒に入場は出来ますか? / Can I enter with my pet?

Pets are not allowed to accompany guests. (Bringing pets in carriers is also not permitted.) 
*Service dogs (guide dogs, assistance dogs, hearing dogs) are excluded.