For Media

For Media

“Press Registration” Issuance of Press Pass

Issuance of Press Pass





During the Sound Messe 2025 event, Press Passes will be issued to individuals intending to conduct coverage activities within the venue. The issuance of press passes is restricted to those involved in coverage activities, in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Sound Messe Executive Committee.
Personnel from advertising agencies and departments within news organizations, such as business departments or advertising sales departments, are kindly requested to refrain from applying.
At this event, unauthorized filming intended for posting on profitable video-sharing platforms and similar sites is prohibited. Please be sure to review the following guidelines and complete the application process accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation.

*Exhibitor representatives should utilize exhibitor passes.

The application requirements

Applications for media registration will be accepted from person involved in news gathering and filming for media purposes who meet one of the following conditions.

① 第3種郵便物認可を取得した定期刊行物を発行している新聞社・出版社の編集者・記者・カメラマン
Editors, reporters, and photographers affiliated with newspapers and publishing companies that publish periodicals that have obtained third-class postal authorization.

② 法人が開設するインターネット上のニュースまたは情報系サイト制作会社の編集者・記者・スタッフ
Editors, reporters, and staff members of companies that produce internet-based news or information websites established by corporations.

③ BS・CS・ケーブルテレビを含むテレビ番組制作会社・記者および撮影スタッフ
Journalists and filming staff of television program production companies, including those involved in BS, CS, and cable television.

④ ラジオ番組制作会社・記者およびスタッフ
Journalists and staff of radio program production companies.

⑤ 上記編集・制作会社・編集部と取材委託契約を結んでいるエディター・ライター・カメラマン
Editors, writers, and cameramen who have contracted with the editing/production companies and editorial departments mentioned above (①-④) for commissioned coverage.

⑥ 取材・番組制作に関わる撮影モデル・出演者
Models and performers involved in coverage and program production.

⑦ 当イベントの出展社様から取材依頼を受け、撮影および動画共有サイトへの投稿・配信を行われるフリーランスの方。
Freelancers who receive coverage requests from exhibitors at this event and will conduct filming and post/distribute content on video-sharing websites.


*For evaluation purposes, we may request the submission of media magazines or program proposals.
*Depending on the results of the evaluation, we may decline to issue press passes.
*Please note that we will not disclose the reasons for the evaluation outcome under any circumstances, and we appreciate your understanding in this matter.
*The personal information you provide on the application form will be managed in accordance with the event’s privacy policy. It may be used within the necessary scope for purposes such as providing information about future Sound Messe events, in compliance with laws and other standards. Additionally, it may be provided to subcontractors for the purpose of conducting these operations.

プレスパス発行申請フォーム / Press Registration Form

貴社名*Your Company Name*
*フリーランスの方は依頼請負先を記入してください。 / Freelancers, please fill in the contracting party.
貴媒体名*Your Media Name*
*フリーランスの方はアカウント名やチャンネル名等を記入してください。 / Freelancers, please fill in the channel name or your account name.
貴媒体情報 (URL) Media information (URL)
*WebサイトのURLを提供してください。 / Please provide the website address.
媒体のカテゴリ*Media Categories*
郵便番号 / ZIP CODE
*フリーランスの方は職業を記入してください。 / Freelancers, please fill in your occupation.
担当者名*Contact Person*
連絡先*Contact Information*
電話番号 / Phone Number
取材クルー人数*Number of crew for coverage*
取材希望日*Preferred interview date*

Notes on filming and coverage

Please understand and strictly adhere to the following regulations regarding coverage activities during the Sound Messe 2025 event. In the event of any violation of these regulations, we reserve the right to refuse coverage at that time.

取材規定 / Press Coverage Guidelines

1. 取材者は、楽器展示会及び即売会で提供される情報や商品に関する取材を自己の責任において行うものとし、イベント主催者及び関連企業はその取材に関する一切の責任を負いません。
Reporters are responsible for conducting coverage of the information and products provided at the musical instrument exhibition and sales event at their own discretion. The event organizers and related companies are not liable for any aspect of such coverage.

2. 取材者は、イベント内での行動において、公共の秩序や他の来場者の安全を脅かすような行為を行わないものとします。万一、取材者がこれに違反した場合、イベント主催者はその取材を中止し、適切な対処を行う権利を有します。
Reporters are expected to refrain from engaging in any behavior within the event premises that may threaten public order or the safety of other attendees. In the event of a violation of this requirement by a reporter, the event organizers reserve the right to terminate their coverage.

3. 取材者は、イベント内で撮影や録音を行う場合、事前にイベント主催者の許可を得るものとし、撮影や録音が他の来場者や出展者のプライバシーや著作権を侵害しないよう注意するものとします。
Reporters must obtain prior permission from the event organizers before conducting any photography or recording within the event premises. They should also take care to ensure that such photography or recording does not infringe upon the privacy or copyrights of other attendees or exhibitors

4. 取材者は、イベントで提供される商品やサービスに関する取材を行う際には、その正確性や信頼性を確認する責任を負います。イベント主催者は、取材者が取得した情報や資料の正確性に関して一切の保証を行いません。
Reporters are responsible for verifying the accuracy and reliability of coverage related to the products and services offered at the event. The event organizers do not provide any guarantee regarding the accuracy of information or materials obtained by reporters.

5. 取材者は、他の来場者や出展者の邪魔にならないよう、指定された時間帯や場所での取材を行います。楽器の試奏の妨げや、混雑時やイベントのピークタイムに配慮し、イベントの円滑な進行に協力するものとします。
Reporters will conduct interviews at designated times and locations so as not to interfere with other attendees or exhibitors. They will also be mindful of obstructing instrument demonstrations and will cooperate to ensure the smooth progress of the event, especially during peak times or crowded periods.

6. イベント主催者は、予告なしにイベント内容やスケジュールを変更する権利を有します。この場合、イベント主催者はその変更に関する責任を負いません。
The event organizers reserve the right to change the event content or schedule without prior notice. In such cases, the event organizers are not responsible for any consequences resulting from these changes.

7. イベント主催者は、取材者がイベント内で発生した事故や損害に対して一切の責任を負いません。取材者は自己の安全を確保し、イベント内での貴重品や機材の管理に注意を払うものとします。
The event organizers are not liable for any accidents or damages that occur to reporters within the event premises. Reporters are responsible for ensuring their own safety and for managing their valuables and equipment carefully while at the event.

Thank you for agreeing to the above press coverage guidelines and for your cooperation in conducting coverage, while also considering the smooth progress of the event

Press material download


サウンドメッセ事務局 (Sound Messe Office)

〒561-0845 大阪府豊中市利倉1-13-13((株)エースケー内)